Cultivate Resilience: Part 2

I was asked some great questions and provided positive feedback on my first blog about cultivating resilience.  Today’s is the second of the four-part series. Please continue to engage with me throughout this series and all of my blog posts.

One of the most important facts about resilience that I want you to remember is that it’s learned, and we’re capable of developing the trait through the course of our lives. It doesn’t matter where you live, how much money you make, what your job is, what your race is, your hobbies and interests, resilience is within us all.


In my last blog about my adoption story, I shared with you that the reason I was adopted was the result of the abuse I endured, as a baby, by my birth father.  I believe, at just months old, I started developing resilience.  I imagine my will to live began during this traumatic time and paved the way for me to overcome the adversities that would plague me in the future.

To curate a real awareness of yourself, you need to reflect on and analyze your past.  Is there a moment in the course of your life where you were resilient or feel that if you had been more resilient, the outcome of your circumstance would have turned out better?  You may not have the answer, so I recommend you take some quality “you” time to make these determinations.


In the meantime, here are five more of the characteristics I believe are the makings of a resilient person:

  1. Resilient people have a sense of humor.  A smile and a good laugh are the best resources to get you through a turbulent time in your life.  It’s free and essential.  If you go through every life experience with a positive state of mind, you will have a higher chance of remaining hopeful, stay focused on your goals and strengthen your resolve.
  2. Resilient people are innovative.  Often times our darkest moments inspire our brightest ideas.  One of my best business ideas came from a moment of desperation.  I’m still in the development stage, but I firmly believe the concept wouldn’t have materialized through the course of a comfortable business routine. Resilient people view a crisis as an opportunity to inspire innovation.
  3. Resilient people are pliable.  There is an action I learned about during the development of the online business I will be launching in 2018; the ability to pivot.  The Internet is a continually changing landscape.  Trends, functionality, user-ability, ease of information, and the user experience evolve at the speed of light.  Successful businesses can adapt to these changes quickly, without compromising quality and productivity.  This goes for the resilient person too.  You have to be flexible and acclimate to the pitfalls of life.  You have to be able to pivot as your circumstances change.
  4. Resilient people are solution-oriented.  One of the training areas I focused on when I had a staff was problem-solving.  I would always remind them that no matter the problem, there was always a solution.  When you’re solution-oriented, you don’t panic.  You’re able to maintain composure so you can work through the challenge at hand.  I would stress to my team that we’re not problem proof, but when one arises, come to me with some solutions.  Problems don’t get solved by falling apart, they get solved by taking action.
  5. Resilient people are resourceful.  People with resilience recognize that they don’t know everything, and embrace others who bring a quality or skill set they may not bestow themselves.  We’ve all heard “you’re only as strong as your weakest link.”  I think resilient people make sure their weakest link is pretty damn strong.  With resilience, you can tap into resources and people who can see you through the darkness.


With all the love in my heart! XOXO



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